網傳內容實為 AIT 舉辦的例行性座談會議,與戰爭或撤僑無關。
?Message for U.S. Citizens: Join AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at AIT in Neihu on June 14 for a U.S. Citizen Town Hall
?American Institute in Taiwan Director Sandra Oudkirk invites U.S. citizens on Taiwan to a town hall at AIT Taipei on Friday, June 14, at 3:00 PM. Director Oudkirk and her team will answer your questions and discuss AIT’s role in promoting U.S.-Taiwan relations. We will also tell you more about the services we provide for U.S. citizens.
This English language event will be off the record. No photography, filming, or recording is allowed.
When: Friday, June 14, 2024, at 3:00 pm.
Where: AIT Taipei, 100 Jinhu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City. Parking is not available at AIT.
Each individual must request a seat at this event and receive a confirmation email from AIT in order to attend. Use the Registration Link (CLICK HERE) to request a seat. Space is limited. Requests must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Thursday, June 6. If a seat is available, you will receive a confirmation email from AIT at a later date with instructions for entry. Your U.S. passport used for registration will be required for entry. You may also submit questions along with your registration.
Visitors who do not receive a confirmation email from AIT will not be allowed to enter. The only way to request a seat for this event is the registration link.
網傳 AIT 信件的實際內容為何?
對此,MyGoPen 實際向在台美國公民 Landy Lin 及其家人求證,目前收到流傳的英文訊息,主要來自於 AIT 的電子郵件內容。
信件內容:American Institute in Taiwan Director Sandra Oudkirk invites U.S. citizens on Taiwan to a town hall at AIT Taipei on Friday, June 14, at 3:00 PM. Director Oudkirk and her team will answer your questions and discuss AIT’s role in promoting U.S.-Taiwan relations. We will also tell you more about the services we provide for U.S. citizens.
This English language event will be off the record. No photography, filming, or recording is allowed.
When: Friday, June 14, 2024, at 3:00 pm.
Where: AIT Taipei, 100 Jinhu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City. Parking is not available at AIT.
Each individual must request a seat at this event and receive a confirmation email from AIT in order to attend. Use the Registration Link (CLICK HERE) to request a seat. Space is limited. Requests must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Thursday, June 6. If a seat is available, you will receive a confirmation email from AIT at a later date with instructions for entry. Your U.S. passport used for registration will be required for entry. You may also submit questions along with your registration.
Visitors who do not receive a confirmation email from AIT will not be allowed to enter. The only way to request a seat for this event is the registration link.
Note: The timestamp on this e-mail message may reflect Washington, D.C., time, which may differ from local time.
事實上信件內容並無提及撤僑或戰爭的說法,並描述此座談會為告知美國公民提供的服務,主要是與僑民溝通的例行性活動,另外原始電子郵件顯示的寄件者也是來自於 TaipeiACS@state.gov 這樣的美國政府公民服務信箱。
美國在台協會 AIT 的說明
對此 AIT 發言人表示,AIT 會定期舉行會議,邀請在台美國公民討論與台美有關的一般性事務,以及 AIT 所能提供給公民的服務。他也指出,該會議的目的也是給予機會,讓公民可以向 AIT 的管理階層,和領事館代表提出疑問。AIT 表示,6 月 14 日的會議是他們在台定期,持續舉辦的活動。
這是 AIT 邀請在台美國公民的例行性會議,主要為討論台美有關的事物以及給公民的服務,原始信件也無關戰爭或撤僑,網傳內容描述說法為錯誤訊息。
美國在台協會 AIT – Facebook 粉絲專頁